Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Short Story

  Jerry Thompson was bullied a lot in High School. He was small, weak, and defenseless. He then bought a suit to make him big and tall. After that day the bullies saw him in that, they disappeared in fear. 20 years later, they're still nowhere to be found and he's been blamed by many for killing them  

 "If people disappear, that doesn't mean they're dead..." Jerry said.

  "You've been using that theory for 20 years, Mr. Thompson. Find these so-called "bullies" or they're dead." Said Officer Terry Johnson.

  "Isn't finding people your job"?

  "Uhhh... oh yeah..."


  "Shut up, I use internet slang. You answer in complete sentences!"

   "That's not slang..."

   "And that's not a complete sentence."

    Jerry knew he had to find the bullies, or he would go to jail. So he went to his cousin, Billy Bob Joe, a retired cop. Jerry knocked on his door.

   "Cousin Jerry!" Billy Bob Joe said surprised.
    "Cousin BBJ!" Said Jerry. "I drove all the way here to ask for a favor. I would've called but I don't have your number."

    "This is the middle of Texas; the only electronics we use here are Windmills. And if that doesn't work, then the TV, which we call Television for short!"

    "That's what we call it too, so who cares about that? It's just so great to see you!"

     "Who cares about any of these problems in the world? Let's just hang out!

    Jerry woke up on the trailer floor with Billy Bob Joe nowhere in sight. But it somehow felt like it was moving. A man came out of the fridge holding a gun and pushing Jerry onto the floor.

  "Gun or Grand Canyon?" The man asked.

  "What?" Jerry responded.

  "Pick one!"

  "I have always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon..."

  "Oh, well we'll be going all the way down!"

  "Oh, like one of those Camel rides?"


 "Camel riding us?"


  "Why not? The Grand Canyon needs a more interesting and fun exper-"

  "UGH!!!" The man stabbed his hand annoyed with Jerry. "UGH UGH UGH!!!"

  "Man down!" Said another man on a mic driving a truck carrying the trailer.

  "Who are you people?" Asked Jerry.

  "Uhhh... your friends from the future..."

  "You people are ridiculous. Look Jerry, this is your arch-nemesis, Ricky Carson." Ricky said.

 "Oh please, it's just you cops messing with me. You're impersonating Ricky and the other bullies so I'll tell you where I found them, but since they're you, you'll arrest me for lying". Said Jerry.

  "Come to the front window." Ricky said.

   Jerry walked up to the front of the trailer and opened the blinds as Ricky let out a gunshot. Jerry rolled onto the floor, out the trailer door onto the desert highway. Billy Bob Joe drove up in his Cadillac chasing after Ricky with his stolen trailer and accidentally ran over Jerry, popping his suit.

  "What in the heck are you dang tumbleweeds doing on a crowded highway like this? Ain't your kind supposed to be out in the middle of nowhere?" Said Billy Bob Joe.

  "Oww!!" Said Jerry.

   Jerry was knocked out due to the constant kicking until Billy Bob Joe stopped at a cliff where Jerry awoke.

  "BBJ, it's Jerry! What are you doing? Your trailer was stolen by-"

  "Oh, you tumbleweeds are all the same! Getting in the way of our driving and damaging our cars! I'm saving the world by getting rid of you! I don't know how you know my name or my cousin's, but it looks like we'll never know!"


   Billy Bob Joe threw Jerry off the thousand-foot cliff onto a gas station causing a massive explosion. Walking back to the highway, Billy Bob Joe noticed both his Cadillac and trailer were hundreds of miles away, stolen.

  The fire department arrived to the gas station and confirmed that Jerry and ten people in the corner store died from the explosion.

  "You think Jerry is still back there boss?" One of the bullies asked.

  "Probably, but what's the point in checking? Said Ricky.

  "Steady... steady... The bully said with Ricky pulling up to the rim of the Grand Canyon.

  "Nobody... tells me how to do the things that I do..."

   Ricky threw the bully through the glass into the trailer as he stepped out to detatch the trailer from the truck. Ricky was accidentally standing on the trailer hook detatching it causing them both to fall to their deaths. The cops found that Ricky and one other bully died, but the other bullies were alive in the truck.

  "It looks like I owe somebody a big apology..." Said Officer Terry Johnson.

  "Chief... he's dead..." Said another officer.

  "Well... this seems like an investigation going on for decades is now over. We need to hold off the full story for a couple months, this is just too confusing..." Responded Terry.

  The alive bullies we're able to escape to Canada in those few months. They were never found, caught, or arrested. But worst of all, the cops assumed Jerry was the bully and the actual bullies did nothing wrong. Jerry could never rest easy knowing that.